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A member registered Oct 24, 2022

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I thought by "taken down" you meant underground, my fault. I dont know then, the fight works fine for me.

I think its just a second phase. If you cant beat him normally try stacking stamina recovery cards and always be aware of what type of damage you do, depending on the enemy you might get reduced or increased damage.

Its always been like this, I think its intentional because its an animal, just how the guppi also only have one action(the tentacle rub). The cut in for the ass rub doesnt exist. For the issue of the face being left behind, did you cheat? I only experienced similar issues when i cheated. Hope that cleared some things up.

After trying some things I couldnt find anything, so my guess is that stage 1 and 2 are just the diffrence between the two pictures you get when being captured. Let me know if you found something else.

Pretty sure the Corrosive Slime cut in is the one from the Guppi screamer, as it says "The tentacles are covered in corrosive slime". As for item usage in combat, you can select the option "item" in the first menu, just gotta scroll down.

The game is hard, kind of reminds me of "Fear & Hunger". Would recommend to anyone that likes a little more gameplay in their H-Games. Great job so far.

Thanks for the clarafication, great game btw.

I just did a no "femininity" run and went into the dungeon where you have to change your gender with 5 femininity. It increased my femininity to 60 and when i left it went down to 23 where it stayed. Any ideas? Is it a bug?